We have such a large and vibrant community, and I love sharing everyone’s unique stories. Highlighting a variety of perspectives and experiences not only inspires me but also so many others! This month, we’re featuring Donella and her husband, a couple who embraced the nomadic lifestyle after a life-changing health scare.

After Donella’s husband faced a serious health crisis, they decided to stop waiting, sell their belongings, and hit the road. With more and more adults in the U.S. considering a nomadic retirement—a lifestyle that wasn’t always common in this country—I wanted to interview Donella and hear their advice for anyone else thinking about making such a big leap.

A Journey to a New Life: Donella’s Story

Portals: Hi Donella! Thanks for doing this. Could you start by telling everyone a little about yourself?

Donella: Absolutely! My husband and I have spent the last 30 years raising children and grandchildren in South Florida. Now, at 58 years old, and with my husband retiring at 65, we decided it was time to sell our home and finally see the world.

I was a divorced single mother of two when I met my husband, who was working on the construction of a hospital where I was employed. He didn’t ask me out for five weeks, but when he finally did, he said, “If I like you, I’m going to marry you!” That was his version of a proposal, and just a few months later, we were married. Over the past 30 years, he’s been an incredible provider, father, and grandfather.

However, about 15 years into our marriage, he suffered from renal failure, and the doctors didn’t expect he’d survive long enough to get a transplant. They even asked me to start preparing for his funeral. It took nine long years, but in 2008, we got the call that a kidney was available. Since then, he’s been in great health—you’d never know he was ever sick. It was truly a miracle!

From Dream to Reality: How the Travel Bug Took Over

Portals: How did you both get into travel?

Donella: For years, I dreamed of traveling, even before I got married and had kids. But my husband wasn’t keen on the idea—until one day, out of the blue, he said, “Let’s do this!” The very next day, I began selling, donating, and giving away nearly everything we owned so that when the day came to move, we wouldn’t need a truck. I contacted a realtor, and within 24 hours, our house was sold for more than we asked!

We packed everything we owned into our two vehicles and hit the road. My husband was a little shocked by how quickly everything moved once he said yes, but we were on our way!

Early Adventures and Family Visits

Portals: Had you and your husband taken many trips before this big adventure?

Donella: Over the past 30 years, our trips were mostly to visit family in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Delaware. Along the way, we explored places like Savannah and Charleston. I also made trips to Texas to visit my brother, Puerto Rico to see our son, and California to visit our daughter.

Now, as we travel, we’re visiting family while exploring more of the U.S. and beyond. We’ve learned so much from travel blogs, and we’re excited to experience the places we’ve only read about.

Settling into the Nomadic Lifestyle

Portals: After you sold your house, what happened next? Where did you go?

Donella: After selling our house, we found a beautiful beach bungalow in Juno, Florida, right across from the ocean. We never imagined we’d be able to live so close to the beach. We kept just enough belongings to live here comfortably.

We’ve embraced the advice we’ve picked up from the nomadic community—living with less and enjoying our surroundings. Our lease here lasts until the end of the year, and during that time, we’re getting our van ready for full-time camping across the country next year.

In March, we took a trip to Andalucía, Spain. It was my husband’s first time in Europe, and we absolutely loved it! We even started thinking about possibly living there next time. We’ll follow a similar plan—find a small place to stay so we can explore nearby countries as well.

The Spark Behind the Journey

Portals: What inspired this big life change?

Donella: It was actually my granddaughter! One day, she mentioned wanting to travel when she grew up, and that instantly reminded me of my own dreams at her age. It rekindled a spark in me, one I hadn’t realized had faded.

Traveling is in my roots. I grew up as a nomad, moving around with my parents through North Africa, Europe, Britain, and the U.S. by the time I was 10. My father continued traveling throughout the U.S. until he passed away, and my mother is still living a nomadic life between Spain and the U.S.

It feels like a dream to be sharing this lifestyle with my husband, visiting new places and revisiting spots from my childhood.

Facing Doubts from Others

Portals: Did anyone think you were crazy when you decided to travel full-time?

Donella: Surprisingly, most people have been very supportive and excited to watch us start this journey. Of course, some people can’t imagine living without their homes and stuff, but that’s okay. It’s not for everyone, but it’s definitely for us.

Managing Health on the Road

Portals: Has your husband’s health been a concern while traveling? How do you manage it?

Donella: Thankfully, my husband is in great health now, but he still requires regular blood work and anti-rejection medication. We found a new doctor who can manage his care remotely, sending us for blood work wherever we are and getting the results promptly. We also return to South Florida once a year for follow-ups.

When we traveled to Europe, we made sure to buy travel insurance in case of any medical emergencies. It was affordable and gave us peace of mind.

Navigating Medical Needs Abroad

Portals: How do you handle medical needs overseas? Have you ever had to fill a prescription while traveling?

Donella: Before we left for Spain, our doctor made sure my husband had enough medication to last the entire trip. We also consulted with a doctor in Spain who was prepared to write prescriptions if needed. Between both doctors and our travel insurance, we felt very secure. We haven’t needed to fill a prescription while abroad, but our doctor assured us it would be straightforward if necessary.

What’s Next for Donella and Her Husband?


Portals: What’s on the horizon for your travels?

Donella: Once my husband finishes up his current work commitments, we plan to live full-time on the road. In the meantime, this fall, we’re planning a road trip through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.

Next spring, we’ll travel up the East Coast from Florida to Nova Scotia, then cross the northern U.S. states, ending in Chicago before taking Route 66 west. After that, we hope to return to Spain and possibly bring our kids and grandkids to visit. Europe is affordable, and the public transportation makes it easy to explore other countries.

Budgeting for the Nomadic Lifestyle

Portals: How do you keep track of your budget while traveling?

Donella: We stick to a budget by dividing our expenses into categories: home, auto, entertainment, food, gifts, medical, miscellaneous, personal, and travel. I track everything by keeping envelopes with receipts for each category and tallying up our spending monthly. This allows us to adjust as needed and make sure we’re staying within our means.

Traveling smart is key, and we’ve learned so much from reading blogs like Nomadic Matt on how to make travel affordable. We also have a pension to support us, but there are plenty of ways to earn money while traveling, as we’ve seen from other bloggers.

Advice for Fellow Travelers

Portals: What advice do you have for travelers your age?

Donella: One of the best tips we’ve picked up from young bloggers is to plan our trips during off-peak times when flights and accommodations are cheaper. Our first trip to Europe cost less than some of our family trips in the U.S.!

Also, we don’t rely on the news media for travel safety information. Instead, we follow updates from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs. They provide clear, factual information about each country to help us make informed decisions.

Become the Next Success Story

One of the most rewarding parts of sharing these stories is hearing how they inspire others to follow their travel dreams. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to travel, and as Donella and her husband have shown, it’s never too late to start exploring. I hope their journey encourages you to take the leap and see the world on your own terms.

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